2020 AGM

2020 AGM
2 Nov 2020

The AGM will be held on Thursday 26 November 2020 at 7:30pm via Zoom.

Last year’s minutes are available to view here.

All members are welcome to attend the AGM though only playing members over 18 and Patrons are able to vote at the meeting. Parents of Junior members are welcome to attend and make comments from the ‘floor’.

An Agenda for the meeting and the Zoom link will be sent out nearer the date.

Nominations for 2021

Despite the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the running of a cricket club never ceases.

At this time of the year, we look for nominations for members and parents to run for office in 2021. Normally, the notices are put up in the clubhouse but, with the new lockdown measures, it is not possible for members to make nominations this way this year.

This year we are also taking nominations for the various roles by email - any nominations need to be registered with the Club Secretary and the Chairman

Club Secretary: Heather Mukherjee – secretary@neccc.co.uk

Chairman: Chris Waddington – chris.waddington@bluearrow.co.uk

Any nominations must be received by midnight Thursday 19th November

For nominations, you must include the name of the member/parent and the role. You will also need to supply contact details for yourself and the nominee. You must also have another member to second the nomination along with their contact details.

In the event of more than one person applying for a role, a ballot will be held at the AGM to decide who will fill the post.

The roles for 2021 which form the committee are as follows:

Executive Committee: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Chair, Junior Vice Chair, Director of Cricket, Membership Secretary, Club Welfare Officer(s), Digital & Marketing Lead

Club Officers: Ground Representatives, House and Bar Representative, Senior XI Captains, Player Coach, Fixture Secretary, League Representative, Branding Officer, Publicity Officer, Women’s Lead, Junior Membership Secretary, Junior Fixture Secretary, Junior Kit Officer, Girls’ Cricket Lead, Coach Development Officer, Tournament Officer, Fundraising Officers

A full list of the positions available can be found here.

Whilst many people in the roles are willing to continue in 2021, we do have numerous vacancies we need to fill ahead of next season. Please don’t think that any of the current holders will be upset if they are challenged for their role.

Many of the roles are administrative rather than requiring any specific cricketing knowledge. The Club Officer positions all sit below an Executive position and are therefore often part of a small team.

If you have any questions around what any role entails, please email secretary@neccc.co.uk

The importance of Fundraising in 2021

With the outbreak of Covid-19, now more than ever before we need to increase the amount of money we bring in to the club through fundraising and sponsorship. Without a dedicated fundraising and sponsorship team in 2021, it is likely that membership costs will need to increase to cover the rising costs associated with ground maintenance, Junior coaching qualifications, and equipment across the club.

We are keen to create a team of Fundraising Officers who can work together to organise events at the club – the more people willing to get involved, the greater the scope for ideas and a team to share the load.

NECCC (inc. Poynton Juniors) prides itself on being a well-run, family orientated club however, it can only continue to be successful if members and parents get involved. We know there are many of our members and parents with skills and abilities which will help ensure that the club moves forward and improves in all areas. The more people we can get involved in the running of the club the better.

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