NECCC Ladies Kick Off Inaugural Campaign at Langley

NECCC Ladies Kick Off Inaugural Campaign at Langley
21 May 2019

The ladies kicked off their inaugural season with a friendly against the ladies of Langley CC. Playing in a ten-a-side pairs format, our ladies took to the pitch for the first time with more than a little apprehension.

The NECCC Ladies managed a net score of 161 before breaking for scones with lashings of jam and cream. The reply from Langley came back strongly with an England hockey player at the crease sending the ball into the adjacent sheep field on more than one occasion.

It was a lovely day in the sunshine in a picturesque setting with a great bunch of women. The NECCC ladies didn’t come back with a win but they were armed with lots of experience and ideas of the skills they need to work on – don’t mention long barriers!


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